Filmmaking Rules

On this page you’ll find all the rules in regards to the actual filmmaking for the US Virtual 48. Give them a read, the last thing that you or we want is to disqualify your film. They’re here to ensure fair competition and eligibility.

These rules are more about the creative part of the 48HFP. Need something else? Check out the Competition Rules!

The 48 Hour Film Project Organizers may add to or amend these rules at any time prior to the beginning of the Official Time Period.

  1. Times

    The US Virtual 48 (US_VIRTUAL) occur in select cities across the United States the weekend of on the weekend of October 15-17, 2021.

    The US Virtual 48HFP competition period begins Friday, October 15 at 7 pm and ends on Sunday, October 17 at 7:30 pm. All times are referenced to each participant’s local time zone. This is the Official Time Period.

  2. Creative Process

    All creativity must take place during the Official Time Period.  Any creative work in advance of the competition weekend is prohibited. Creative work includes, but is not limited to:

    • Writing the script
    • Casting (of roles)
    • Rehearsing
    • Costume/Set Design
    • Shooting
    • Editing
    • Sound Design
    • Rendering
    • Outputting to USB drive or other media

  3. Preparation

    The only work to begin prior to the Official Time Period is:

    • Organizing Crew
    • Organizing Cast
    • Securing Equipment
    • Scouting/Securing Locations
  4. Materiał filmowy

     Materiał filmowy trzeba nakręcić w całości w ciągu 48 godzin wyznaczonych na realizację projektu.

    Nie wolno korzystać z materiałów ani ujęć archiwalnych (stockowych) bądź stworzonych w innym czasie. Wyjątkiem są ujęcia stockowe przedstawiające pociski, ogień, wybuchy, będące warstwą efektów specjalnych, nałożoną na obraz zrealizowany w ramach regulaminowych 48 godzin, z zaznaczeniem, że uczestnik ma obowiązek posiadać odpowiednie licencje i/lub prawa do ich wykorzystania. Materiały te NIE mogą zawierać wizerunku osób trzecich! Dopuszczalne jest wykorzystanie animacji i efektów specjalnych, ale trzeba je stworzyć w wyznaczonych 48 godzinach. (Uwaga: dozwolone jest korzystanie z materiałów stockowych wykorzystanych w efektach specjalnych będących częścią programu do realizacji efektów specjalnych dostarczonego przez stronę trzecią jak np. ogień, eksplozje, tła albo jako ujęcia w telewizorze w tle, o ile uczestnik posiada prawa lub licencję do wykorzystywania takich ujęć pod warunkiem, że materiały te w obu przypadkach nie zawierają wizerunku osób trzecich.) Dozwolone jest korzystanie z nieruchomych obrazów, pod warunkiem że zespół posiada do nich prawa. Takie zdjęcia nie muszą być stworzone w wyznaczonym okresie 48 godzin, natomiast nieruchomych obrazów stworzonych poza regulaminowym czasem nie wolno używać w ramach sekwencji, tak aby stwarzać złudzenie ruchu.

  5. Eligibility

    To be officially eligible for competition:

    • The Team Leader must upload a completed copy of the Team Leaders Agreement to prior to the Kickoff Event. A team may not participate without submitting this agreement.
    • Each team must also upload a certificate of completion for the "Safe Sets COVID-19" training found here:
    • Each eligible team will then receive a Kickoff e-mail at 7:00pm their local time on Friday, October 16. The Kickoff e-mail will contain two genres from which to choose. Teams may choose either genre for their film. In addition, the line of dialog, character, and prop (required elements) will also be in the Kickoff e-mail.
    • Each team’s film must be in one of the two genres and all of required elements must be included for the film to be eligible for competition.

    To be eligible for the Project, Entries must be the original work of the Entrant; must not infringe third-party's rights; must be suitable for publication (i.e., may not be obscene or indecent); must not contain obscene or pornographic material; may not contain defamatory statements about any person, company, organization or entity; may not invade privacy or other rights of any person, company or entity; may not in any other way violate applicable laws and regulations; and may not contain any copyrighted elements (other than as owned by the Entrant and/or 48HFP).

    Entries containing prohibited or inappropriate content as determined by the 48HFP, in its sole discretion, to be inappropriate will be disqualified. 48HFP reserves the right to make the final determination as to which Entries are eligible. 48HFP reserves the right to refuse to screen a film or to make an announcement at the screening regarding the content of the film. 48HFP reserves the right to alter a film in order to remove or delete offensive or defamatory content.

  6. Kickoff Event

    Each participating team must have a representative at the official Kickoff Event of the US Virtual 48, as listed on your city's webpage.

    • Prior to the Kickoff event, each group must submit a completed Team Leader's Agreement, signed by its team leader. A team may not participate without submitting this agreement.
    • Each group will receive the genre of its film in a random drawing.
  7. Required Elements

    Each participating group will be assigned required elements that must appear in its film, such as a genre, a character, a prop and/or a line of dialogue.

    • The required Character must be seen on-screen and it must be clear--either directly shown or by context--who the required character is. The Character name does not have to be said out loud or written on-screen.
    • The required Prop must be seen on-screen. A picture of the required prop is also allowed.
    • The required Line of Dialogue must be used verbatim. It may be spoken, sung and/or written. It may be in any language, though if it is unclear that it is the required Line, there must be a translation.
    • To qualify as an Official Entry, each group's film must be in the genre it selects and must contain all required elements within the official time limit and prior to the credits.

  8. Volunteers

    All cast and crew must be volunteers.
  9. Cameras

    Any type of video or film camera may be used. There is no limit to the number of cameras.
  10. Landmark Requirement

    First Time Cities only: Each film must include a landmark (building, monument, etc.) or identifying characteristic (e.g., bus, city office) of the competition city. (Note: The landmark or characteristic must exist inside city limits.) This rule applies only the first time the 48HFP visits a city.
  11. Music Rights

    Participating groups are encouraged to work with a composer and/or musicians to write and record music for the films. It is permissible for a participating group to use pre-recorded music; however, the participating group must have the rights to any music used in its film and must provide releases for all music used. As with music, pre-recorded sound effects are allowed, but you must have rights to use them.

    Note: Song parodies (i.e., use of identifiable pre-existing compositions with new or altered lyrics or music) may not be included in the film without a signed release from the composition's rights holder. This rule applies without regard to whether the song parody arguably constitutes fair use under US or international copyright law.

  12. Total Running Time

    The finished film must be a minimum of 4 minutes in duration, and a maximum of 7 minutes in duration—not including end credits. In other words, the official running time begins after the required 48HFP slates and ends prior to the end credits. The required slates and the end credits do not count towards the minimum time of 4 minutes. The film story may not be longer than 7 minutes. 48HFP reserves the right to shorten any film that exceeds the maximum length for screening purposes.

  13. Napisy początkowe i końcowe

    Obowiązkowe informacje poprzedzające film

    Zanim rozpocznie się ukończony film, na nośniku powinny znaleźć się następujące elementy:

    • 5 sekund czerni
    • Karta tytułowa z: nazwą ekipy, tytułem, gatunkiem, miastem, datą
    • Oficjalna animacja początkowa 48HFP -LUB- plansza tytułowa: Ten film został zrealizowany na US Virtual 48 2025.
    • 2 sekundy czerni

    Twój film.

    Napisy początkowe

    Po 2 sekundach czerni niektóre filmy rozpoczynają się napisami początkowymi. Nie zachęcamy do ich umieszczenia, ale jeśli tak się stanie, należy uznawać je za część filmu, a zatem uwzględnić w maksymalnym 7-minutowym czasie trwania. Ponadto, jeżeli w filmie są napisy początkowe inne niż tytuł (np. nazwiska reżyserów, aktorów itp.), trzeba umieścić również jeden z następujących elementów w języku angielskim lub polskim:

    • tekst NAZWA TWOJEJ EKIPY prezentuje a potem od razu US Virtual 48 LUB
    • tekst  US Virtual 48 zaraz po tytule filmu.

    Uwaga: US Virtual 48 może być napisane małymi literami (np. us virtual 48).

    Napisy końcowe

    Napisy na końcu każdego filmu nie mogą trwać dłużej niż 60 sekund. Te 60 sekund uznaje się za dodatkowe w stosunku do długości filmu określonej powyżej. (Oznacza to, że film może trwać 7 plus dodatkowe 60 sekund napisów, czyli całkowity czas trwania wynosi 8.)

    Napisy końcowe muszą zawierać słowa: „This film was made for the 48 Hour Film Project.” LUB ”Film zrealizowano w ramach 48 Hour Film Project.”

    Animacje, plansze i napisy po 48HFP

    Po konkursie filmy wyświetlane w Internecie powinny zachować kartę tytułową poprzedzającą film, z napisem: „This film was made for the 48 Hour Film Project.” LUB ”Film zrealizowano w ramach 48 Hour Film Project.”

  14. Required Media Formats

    For complete submission requirements, check your city webpage.

    Maximum File Size: 2GB.

    IMPORTANT: If your film does not conform to the submission requirements in your city, it may be disqualified. Also, if your film cannot be viewed on 48HFP equipment, it may be disqualified.

  15. Submission Notes

    • We recommend that you make sound levels relatively even throughout your film. (If your film has uneven sound or sound that peaks, it may be modified to protect the playback equipment.)
    • Projection specs vary from theater to theater and are beyond the control of the 48HFP. If your film is very dark, it may be difficult to see in some theaters.
    • All films received on the evening of the deadline (on-time and late) will be screened, presuming they meet the eligibility requirements.
  16. Production Documents

    Each team must secure releases for talent, crew, music and locations (and any other applicable releases), which must be turned in to the project organizers with the finished film/video. The film/video will not be screened before the US Virtual 48 Organizers receive the signed releases.

    • Release forms can be found on the 48HFP website.
    • Completed release forms shall be uploaded to Cinema48.
    • Both written and electronic signatures are allowed.

  17. Certification Statement

    The Entrant must submit a Certification Statement with his/her completed Entry, certifying adherence to all Official Rules.
  18. Required "Safe Sets" Certification

    To be eligible to compete in the US Virtual 48, each team must submit a certificate issued by Safe Sets International. It is an online training that takes less than 30 minutes. Only one person on your team must be certified, though we recommend that everyone takes the course.

  19. No Pre-Screening Distribution

    The Entrant should not distribute their entry/video in any way prior to it receiving its official 48HFP premiere screening. This includes uploading the video to any website or screening the film for groups of anyone other than the team. The Entrant is encouraged to make a trailer of their film and distribute that instead. This trailer should be no longer than 48 seconds.
  20. Official Film Entry

    To be certified as an Official Film Entry, each participating group's film/video production must follow all rules herein. The US Virtual 48 Organizers reserve the right to screen only certified Official Film Entries.

  21. Entries Not Returned

    No Entries (media or documents) will be returned.
  22. Disqualification

    48HFP and Project Parties may, in their sole discretion, disqualify Entries deemed to be inappropriate or otherwise non-compliant.
  23. Official City Winner

    All certified "Official Film Entries" are eligible to compete for the title of "Best Film" of the US Virtual 48 in its city.
  24. Best Special Genre Film of 2025

    All Best of City Special Genre films are eligible to compete globally for the title of Best Special Genre Film of 2025. A panel of independent judges will determine the winners.