Winners will be announced soon.
Our judges are currently reviewing the films made over the weekend of 25-27 okt. 2024. They are deliberating on a range of awards, including Best Film, which will go on to represent 48 Hour Film Project - Tours at Filmapalooza 2025 and compete for Best 48HFP Film of 2024.
Karl or Kelly Masson - Lawyer
Karl ou Kelly Masson - Avocat
“My poor thing, it must be difficult”
“Mon pauvre, ça doit être difficile”
a Photo of a relative
Photo de Famille
24 BR
BMCC Production
ContreJour Productions
Court is Afraid
Le Pédiluve
Le Septième Monstre
Les Broyés
leS noN facturéS
Mamie Ninja
Passe ParTours
Studio N
Zéro Janvier Films