48 Hour Film Project - Toronto

Christopher  Cherry
Christopher Cherry
City Producer
Steve  Nash
Steve Nash
City Producer

Get Set to Make a Movie!

When? 18 - 20 okt. 2024
Goal? Make a FILM in 48 hours and attend its PREMIERE SCREENING!!

From Film Weekend Kickoff… to Screening… to Awards…

Gather Teammates – Friends/Colleagues/Family!

Write, shoot and edit a short film based on the genre you draw at The Kickoff and the required character, prop, and line assigned for your city.

Premiere YOUR film!

Celebrate with Awards, including Audience Award.

The winner of Best Film goes to Filmapalooza in March 2025, and is eligible for a spot in our screening at the Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner!

Try something new, level up your filmmaking, and join our community.

Sign up your team today! Make a movie!

  1. Meet Up, Team Up : Part Deux A Toronto 48HFP filmmaker Meet Up
    za. 28 sep. 2024 15:30
    RSVP via Facebook
  2. Dropoff More details
    zo., 20 okt. 2024
    by 19:30 to be on-time
  3. Premiere Screenings More details
    Group A: zo. 3 nov. 2024 18:30
    Group B: ma. 11 nov. 2024 18:30
    Group C: ma. 18 nov. 2024 18:30
    Group D: za. 23 nov. 2024 18:30
    Group E: zo. 24 nov. 2024 14:30
    Group F: zo. 24 nov. 2024 18:30
    Group G: ma. 25 nov. 2024 18:30
  4. Best Of Screening More details
    zo. 8 dec. 2024 13:30



All Out Productions Inc.

Are You Bored Yet Productions

Barn Burners

Beknighted Productions

Bi The Way

Blu Joose

Boy Girl Party

Brinehouse Productions

Burgundy Dragon

CAMP Productions


Coffee Shots

Crazy Banana Production

CRNL Films

Deadline Creatives

Excuse Me, Sir Productions


Fairy Smut

Film School Dropouts

Fourteen Films

Fresh Cut Films

Great Green Media


Happy Slumbers

Hotpot Productions

Icy Hot Pictures

Instafamous Productions


Kosher Linguine

Lights and Love

Lost in translation

Mad Butterfly

Makriliart Films

Mayhew Productions

Minus Comm Films

Motor City North

Murdisteboom Studios

No Sleep til Sunday



Odd Hill Visuals

Other Sunday

Party Boyos

Peerson Bexter

Ramen Squad

Rose Digital Media Group


Safe Sounds Collective


Scoot Squad


Shadow Dinosaur Productions

Shady Lady Films

Shelf Squad

SkyHatch Films

Stairwell Films

Team Mouthy Kid

Test test 123

The Intergalactic Federation of Space Beers

The West Andersons

UGO Productions

Vengenza's 3rd



Wade Kay Productions

Wizards Incorporated


Y'good Productions


Local Sponsors

VIP Sponsors