48 Hour Film Project - Greensboro

Iris  Carter
Iris Carter
City Producer

Annonce des vainqueurs!

Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.

Le meilleur film de 2006 est attribué à Pure Energy Productions! pour le film ‘’Gi Ho Lo: The Legacy of Richard Long’’ il irq représenter Greensboro contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2007!

Ben or Barbara Jones, Television Personality
It's just like my mother always said.
Bubble Wrap
1st Place: Best Film of 2006
Gi Ho Lo: The Legacy of Richard Long by Pure Energy Productions
2nd Place: Best Film of 2006
Gone To Ground by Underexposed Films
Audience Favorite Group A:
Cletus & the Beast by The Macaroni Project
Audience Favorite Group B:
The Little Ninja That Could by Jive Mechanics
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Plus de 48?


Able Archer

Because We Can

Bonnie & Clyde Productions

Charmed Life Productions

Contagious Media


DBA Bigg As A Jugg

Finished Films


General Pictures

Good as a Mugg

Good Night Chagi Choo Choo

Green Pax

Hobocamp Productions


Jive Mechanics


Last Slice of Curiosity

Loose Ends

Louie Louie Productions

Neon Kudzu


Nuclear Family Productions

point blank film

Pure Energy Productions

Reignstorm Productions

Robot Death Squad

Sloppy Entertainment

Strong Arm Productions

summer of love

Team Authentic Insight

Team Daydreamthief

the charred and lacquered revival

The Macaroni Project

The Mad Ones

The Wave

Todd’s boys

Tom Lipscomb Productions

Underexposed Films

Untied Artists
