48 Hour Film Project - Washington, DC

Christina  Ruppert
Christina Ruppert
City Producer
James  Lewis
James Lewis
City Producer
Stephanie  Cristancho
Stephanie Cristancho
City Producer

Annonce des vainqueurs!

Après de longues délibérations, notre distingué jury a sélectionné les films lauréats de cette année. Félicitations à tous les cinéastes et aux équipes qui ont participé. Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer nos gagnants.

Le meilleur film de 2024 est attribué à Hot Sauce! pour le film ‘’Dance Plague’’ il irq représenter Washington contre les autres villes gagnantes du monde entier à Filmapalooza 2025!

Marshall or Margarite Wilkins - Airline Employee
“I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.” OR “I am not mad. I am just disappointed.”
A Lock
1st Place: Best Film of 2024
Filmposter for Dance Plague
Dance Plague by Hot Sauce
2nd Place: Best Film of 2024
Riding With My Girl by F.C.K.
3rd Place: Best Film of 2024
Exit Plan by SHRUG Productions
Audience Favorite Group A:
Filmposter for Locked
Locked by Frankly My Dear
Audience Favorite Group B:
Filmposter for Rarely Sweet
Rarely Sweet by Maxout Productions
Audience Favorite Group C:
Filmposter for ONES
ONES by The 48th Element
Audience Favorite Group D:
Filmposter for Caught Up
Caught Up by The Cru Collective
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Plus de 48?


All The Way

Birchtree Productionz Limited

Cassanova Productions

Frankly My Dear

Hebrews Home Brew Films


Kids in a Trenchcoat

Queer Cuts

R Street Films

Starshine Studios


The Chivalrous Men

You Got This

Apahí Productions

Bootcamp Survivors


DC Media Academy

Far From The Path

In The Middle Productions

laughing with the storm

Maxout Productions

The BloodLine

The Manifest Network

Trust Fund

Urban Marmots

Veterans in Media & Entertainment Group

We Have This!

Actors with Strings

Baltimore Buddies

Can We Change This Later? (productions)

Creatyve Control

Crimes of the Art

DC Kino

DJM Productions

Hot Sauce

Hunt & Ryde Productions

KPS Multimedia Team

Sweet Cypher

The 48th Element


Awfully Serious Filmmakers

Baggage Claim Presents

Cuo O'Meat Productions

Denizens Ever Departed (D.E.D)

Epic reel syndicate


Hot Pot Productions

Little Green Ghouls

QT Productions

SHRUG Productions

The Cru Collective

The Last Temptation of Crust

The Trader Joes

William and the Mary's
